I'm Back but only for a few minutes...

Sorry to ignore you, poor blog....it's been just a little hectic around here. Lately, I've been going to bed early, or I should say, at a reasonable hour. What's up with THAT??! Anyhoo, lots to do but not enough time to do it all. I'm getting ready to go to Creative Escape 2007 in Phoenix next week. Yay! It's finally here! My incredibly generous friend, Josiane (aka the Bomb) picked me as her buddy to go on the Bazzill Warehouse Tour, which is a tour of the of awesome company that makes cardstock and scrapbooking accessories. Specifically, it's where scrapbookers want to go when they die :) I can't wait! I've read the reviews for this tour from last years' event and it sounds like it's going to be da BOMB! I'm so lucky! While that is definitely one of the highlights of my trip, I am looking forward to CE itself. I'll be taking workshops taught by some of the most talented scrappers around and making some amazing projects. I'll do my best to post some pics of the projects after I've completed them. I love going to these retreats/conventions because I get to meet alot of fellow rabid paper crafters and also share time with my good friends. For me, that's the most rewarding part.
I'll be gone for a week, so I won't be posting until after I get back. I thought I'd share of pic of one of the swaps I participated in for the event. It's the 8 x 8 CE page swap. Peace out!